How to Create a Landing Page that Converts

Creating landing pages is certainly our speciality at Actovision. Over the years we have helped a host of clients achieve their business goals by creating landing pages with CRM API integration that helped to convert clients.

The function of a really good landing page is to help warm leads understand the importance of converting and becoming customers or clients. A well-designed landing page can help tilt customers into the sales funnel and attract them into making a buying decision.

Hence, let’s look at some of the details of how to create a landing page that converts.

Step 1: The Landing Page Should Have Only One Goal

Firstly, every landing page that has CRM API integration associated with it should have one and only one goal. The goal is to help the person landing on the page to take a decision about buying a product or availing of some service. Hence, the call-to-action button should ideally encompass only one function and one goal. A landing page with too many goals frightens off people.

Step 2: Decluttered Landing Pages

The next step is to create landing pages that are decluttered. Design landing pages that are free from too many elements is the key to getting users’ attention and helping them to convert. A simple design, with one call-to-action is sufficient for the people to understand what your landing page is all about.

Step 3: Add Testimonials

To add weight to your landing page, you will need to include a couple of testimonials from real people. This could mean putting in proof like social media accounts so that people believe that the product or service has worked well for someone else, and can work well for them.

Step 4: Choose the Right Colours

Moreover, whenever you create a landing page, design is a very important aspect. One of the important aspects is the colour combination. The colours should contrast each other and be soothing to the eye. Often in the aim to attract the eye, landing page designers should be careful of the colour palette that they use.

Step 5: CRM API Integration

There is no point in creating a landing page unless one can get a lot of information from it about one’s customers. To get client information, one should use a CRM and integrate it with the landing page. This way one can refine the creation of landing pages in future.


So, we can see that CRM API integration is an important aspect of the landing page creation. In these 5 steps you can create some of the best landing pages that really convert. In case you are looking for someone to help you create high converting landing pages, you can get in touch with Actovision. We will help you to create and manage some of the best sales pages for your requirements.
