CRM API Integration: Why Is It Important?

CRM API Integration: Why Is It Important?

CRMs are useful tools for customer management, but they are more beneficial when integrated with third-party software and other resources. There are 2 ways in which a CRM can be integrated with third-party software.

It can be integrated using custom code. This is a tedious process for developers who have to write new code every time.

It can be integrated using APIs or Application Programming Interfaces, which are software that acts as a transition between two other software.

Typically, it is considered fruitful to opt for the API integration method. In this blog, we will look at why CRM API integration is important.

Examples of CRM API integration

Below are some examples of where CRM can be integrated with third-party software through an API.

  • Phone Management System

A CRM can be integrated with a phone management system so that all calls with customers can be recorded and analysed for future use.

  • Chatbot System

It can also be integrated with a chatbot system, to gain more customer information. From sales forecasting software to calendars, there is nothing that a CRM cannot be integrated with.

  • Email System

Integrating e-mails with CRM makes it easier for sales persons to communicate with each other and their clients.

The Importance of CRM API integration

API integration provides many advantages to CRM users. Here are some of the benefits.

  • Common Platform for all Employees

As tired as you get of hearing about the “single source of truth”, it is necessary that all employees of an organisation have one common reference about their customers. This helps to smoothen out the workflow and eases conflict among employees.

  • Higher Efficiency

Getting third-party software integrated with the CRM helps to create more efficiency. For instance, if email or calling or WhatsApp are integrated with the CRM, it makes the workflow very smooth and efficient.

  • Automation of Information Flow

With a CRM-API integration, the information can flow automatically from one software to another without so much as a hitch. The data does not need to be manually entered, which prevents a lot of errors.


Actovision is involved heavily in the CRM API integration. Hence, if you are looking to set up your CRM (Konnektive,, ClickBank etc.) you can approach us at Actovision. We will also, integrate third-party software with the CRM through the use of APIs.

Apart from CRM API integration, we also perform functions like landing page design, funnel setup, upsell management and gateway integration to name a few. So, what are you waiting for? If you are looking for a CRM solution provider, Actovision should be your first choice!

Connect Your Landing Page to a CRM and Reap the Benefits Today

Connect Your Landing Page to a CRM and Reap the Benefits Today

In this blog, this CRM solution provider in the UK will talk about how you can benefit from linking your landing page to a CRM like Konnektive,, Clickbank, Digistore24, or CBSplit.

The first reason is obvious and a no-brainer. The customer information from the landing page will directly go to your CRM system. This consolidates all the information in one place and makes it easier for the sales rep to capture leads.

For more reasons why you need to link your landing page with a CRM, check out this blog!

What is a landing page and why should you connect it to the CRM?

A standalone web page that customers visit after clicking on a link in an ad is known as a landing page. This page can be used by marketers to gain vital customer details and nurture leads as they progress through the sales funnel.

Hence it is encouraged to connect this directly with a CRM to speed up the sales process. Once the landing page is connected to a CRM (a task you can outsource to Actovision) there is an enhancement to the sales funnel that can’t be achieved otherwise.

On that note, check out 5 reasons why you should integrate that landing page with a CRM!

How is a landing page integrated into a CRM?

The general steps of integrating a CRM into a landing page are as follows:

Step 1: Create a well-designed landing page.

Step 2: Perform the field mapping between the landing page and the CRM. You can outsource this task to Actovision if the CRMs you are using are the ones mentioned above.

Step 3: Set up tracking with a unique HTML code and track the customer throughout the website.

3 Compelling Reasons You Should Integrate Landing Page into a CRM

  • No more manual entries, speeds up sales processes

This CRM solution provider in the UK suggests linking the landing page to CRM to speed up the entire sales process. Before there used to be manual uploading of leads into an Excel sheet. Now, the leads directly enter the CRM system meaning you can scale up operations considerably.

  • Greater Sales intelligence

As this CRM solution provider in the UK knows, a landing page can collect tons of information on prospective clients. For instance, you can find out what forms were filled, which ad they responded to, which keyword they used, the source of referral, and the state they’re from. All this information enters your CRM and helps in lead enrichment.

  • Re-targeting

It may take multiple prompts for a lead to convert to a sale. Hence, using a CRM and other integrated tools you can retarget prospective clients as they pass through the sales funnel. The CRM can help you retarget via search, social or email campaigns.


As you can see, CRM is a highly useful tool for the sales process. In connection with the landing pages, they can help to nurture leads, re-target and speed up the sales process further.

So if you are looking for a CRM solution provider in UK to help integrate your landing page and CRM, reach out to Actovision. We are experienced in the CRMs mentioned above and can help you to maximise returns from the connection of a landing page to the CRM.

Apart from integrating the landing page with the CRM, we also offer services like Funnel setup, Check-out Page Optimization, and Gateway integration among others. Get in touch with us today for a complete consultation.

CRM Solution Provider in USA on How CRM Helps Sales

CRM Solution Provider in USA on How CRM Helps Sales

CRM software is often viewed with suspicion by the sales reps as they believe it is just another tool that managers use to track their performance. However, a CRM can help sales as this CRM solution provider in USA will show you.

According to one statistic by the Tas Group, 2 out of 3 of all sales forces fail to achieve their sales target. In contrast to this, a study by Innoppl Technologies says that 65% of the sales rep who used Mobile CRM achieve their sales targets. Moreover, 78% of those who did not use CRM did not achieve their targets! As you can see, the statistics show that CRM is a very integral part of sales.

So, on that note, let’s understand how a CRM helps in sales.

4 Ways a CRM Helps in Sales

Here are 5 ways in which CRM helps the sales team.

  • A Centrally Located Safe House of Information

A CRM offers sales reps a centrally located storehouse of information. This CRM solution provider in USA can help you to set up your CRM (Konnektive CRM, CRM, Clickbank, Digistore24, CBSplit) in such a way that it adds value to the business by organising information in proper structures. For instance, all the form fills, calls, emails, meetings, and text messages can be gathered and located in one place thanks to the CRM.

  • Funnel Set-up

The CRM allows you to set up the sales funnel. First, you need to define your sales funnel in a comprehensive way. Then you can track the sales process per lead and understand at which point a hot lead went cold. The CRM allows you to then take decisions at the opportune moment so that you can regain lost sales.

  • Study Your Customers

A CRM helps you to study customers, especially for B2B sales. With tracking pixel integration you can note down all the details of the customer during the sales process and study them to plan a customised sales strategy. The information that you gather via the CRM is crucial in that regard.

  • Reduces Mistakes

Since all the CRM does is store your customer information in one place, it helps to reduce errors in data about the customer. Mistakes in data entry can be completely eliminated by setting up a proper CRM from a CRM solution provider in USA. A reduction in the error of data regarding a customer can help the sales rep take quick, calculated results.

Final Thoughts

A CRM solution provider in USA can help you to set up your CRM in a way that enables you to achieve business goals. Moreover, the entire sales team can benefit from the CRM as depicted above. So, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Actovision to set-up and deploy your CRM today!